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Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy

Dr. Ann-Marie Neale

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Journey of Discovery

Editor’s Foreword by Dr. Ann-Marie Neale in

Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual: Logotherapy & Existential Analysis Brief Therapy Protocol for Group & Individual Sessions

(Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual: Logotherapy & Existential Analysis Brief Therapy Protocol for Group &Individual Sessions, 2015, p.3-4)

Meaning-Centered Therapy workbook - Dr Marie Dezelic

“Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy: Journey of Discovery”

It is my honor and privilege to be the Editor of Drs. Marie Dezelic and Gabriel Ghanoum’s Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual with its focus on a Brief Therapy Protocol for Group and Individual Sessions.This Manual is based on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) and stays true to histeachings and philosophy; however, the authors have utilized their own creative talents in thedevelopment of innovative, colorful and informative Figures and Conceptual Pictographs—ClientHandouts, as well as individual and group exercises. This manual will be helpful in many diverse settings,such as clinical groups, hospital inpatient therapy, outpatient programs, support groups and spiritualretreats, in addition to individual counseling and self-exploration. Having the unique perspective ofediting Dr. Dezelic’s highly acclaimed Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook (2014), which is also basedon the teachings of Viktor Frankl, I am delighted that this new Manual has added another significantcontribution to the clinical literature, as well as the ever-important and increasing demand for “handson”manuals designed to assist therapists, clients and other seekers in the quest to discover meaning intheir lives.

In deciding what was important to share in this Editor’s Note, I concluded that the overview ofLogotherapy and Existential Analysis, which I wrote for Marie Dezelic’s Meaning-Centered TherapyWorkbook (2014), would prove beneficial to the reader of this new Manual. With this in mind, thefollowing is a brief synopsis of the philosophy, theory of therapy, and personality theory of Viktor E. Frankl:

Dr. Marie Dezelic's Books: See all Books Here >>

Dr. Ann-Marie Neale - Picture , Dr Marie Dezelic


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